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Tom Kha Kai (chicken thai soup)

source : Wikipedia
This simple, nourishing soup is probably the most popular in Thailand and Laos. His milky appearance is unmistakable. This version is very similar but with a much more moderate spicy. 

INGREDIENTS ( 4/6 people) :

350 grams / 0.77 Lb of boneless skinless chicken
2 cans of coconut milk
2 cups of water 
2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
4 tablespoons fish sauce (the typical sauce of Far East cooking)
2 tablespoons lime juice
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Half a teaspoon of ground turmeric
A tablespoon fresh cilantro
Vegetable oil ( corn or sunflower)

The chicken meat should be cut into thin strips and saute in oil for two or three minutes. Meanwhile we put in a casserole coconut milk and water to boil. When this occurs down to half power and add ginger, fish sauce, lime juice , cayenne pepper and turmeric. Cook over low heat until chicken is cooked through ( 15 minutes will be more than enough) .
Sprinkle each bowl of soup with sliced ​​scallions and fresh cilantro and take the soup very hot.