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Steak Diane recipe

Steak Diane is  a way of preparing beef , traditional in the United States, where the meat is cooked briefly to bathe it in a extraodinary sauce . In many American restaurants the Steak Diane is usually flambéed at customer's sight , although it is more of " theatrical " effect than gastronomic . If you try it at home do it away from any combustible material .
I'm not going to cheat saying it's a healthy dish because it is not. Probably bypasses all rules of healthy nutrition, but once occasionally does not hurt either.

Ingredients (4 people)

4 cuts of beef ( sirloin, butt etc) , the most tender piece you can find.
A large onion
Half cup beef broth
4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons French mustard (Dijon type, the strong one )
2 tablespoons fried tomato sauce
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons milk cream
4 tablespoons cognac or brandy
Maldon salt ( flake )
Ground black pepper

First you need to pull the meat out of the fridge at least a couple of hours before cooking. If we think it 's going to be hard, it's best to hit it with a mallet. Then cover on both sides with salt flakes and let stand covered with a plate or other utensil .

Now let's start making the sauce. Mix broth, Worcestershire sauce , mustard and fried tomato sauce with the help of a whisk until smooth .

In a frying pan pour the butter over medium-high to melt . We remove salt flakes that have not been absorbed by the meat and we cook both sides for about 3 minutes (or until it's to the point that we want ) . We remove , place it on a plate and cover with foil.

In the same pan where we have just made the meat,  incorporate the grated onion until  fried (transparent) . Then pour the cognac to deglaze the pan and when it has evaporated almost entirely ( I usually leave it in the middle ) is added the first mix we made with Worcestershire sauce , tomato sauce , mustard and broth. Add the cream and leave on the heat to medium power until thickened.

We place the pieces of meat on plates and sauce over them , decorating with a little black pepper and parsley . If you feel guilty about carnivorous feast , you can accompany the meat with some cooked vegetables - broccoli , green beans, baby carrots etc. - , or mashed potatoes.