Nuevo libro

Potato gratin with smoked salmon

This French recipe can be used as a side dish or like starter.

Ingredients (4 people):

8 big potatoes
About  4 slices / 100 grams of smoked salmon (or halibut, trout etc)
1 clove garlic
1 bunch fresh parsley
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup (200ml) cream for cooking
1 cup / 100 grams of grated Gruyere cheese or similar type
Freshly ground black pepper

Boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water. When they are soft but not overly withdraw them and cut into wide slices. We put them in a tray that can go in the oven and intersperse among them pieces of smoked salmon. Pour the cooking cream and season.

Mix fresh parsley with minced garlic and sprinkle on top. Then we cover with grated cheese and the three tablespoons of butter.

We carry a preheated oven at 220 degrees c  / 420 F,  grill position and with constant surveillance keep them until browned on top.

They are addicting, believe me !